Kubectl debug node/docker-desktop -it -image=/aks/fundamental/base-ubuntu:v0.0.11 The process can be found with ps command: Hyperkit is installed as part of docker desktop. LinuxKit started as an internal project in Docker Inc and is now managed as a Moby Project. It supports several well-known hypervisor platforms, such as HyperKit, Hyper-V, qemu and VMware. LinuxKit is a toolkit for building custom minimal, immutable and purpose-build Linux distributions.Docker-desktop and MiniKube are built on HyperKit. HyperKit is designed to be interfaced with higher-level components such as the VPNKit and DataKit. The hypervisor component in HyperKit is based on xhyve/bhyve. HyperKit is lightweight and therefore allows you to embed hypervisor capabilities in your application. HyperKit is an open-source toolkit on macOS based on xhyve.It is sometimes loosely referred to as xhyve/bhyve hypervisor, and is optimized for lightweight virtual machines and container deployment. The Hypervisor Framework allows xhyve to run entirely in userspace. xhyve: A port of bhyve project to MacOS with integration via Apple’s Hypervisor Framework.bhyve: A type-2 hypervisor initially written for FreeBSD (and was contributed to FreeBSD in May 2011).Hypervisor Framework: Apple’s APIs on MacOS that allows you to interact with virtualization technologies in user space.

There are a number of open-source and proprietary projects involved to bring docker-desktop to implementation.
#Macos uninstall docker desktop install
I will start with with a deep dive into the docker-desktop architecture, then we’ll go through the steps to install some common applications with Kubernetes. I wanted to note down what is on earth different about Docker-desktop, because the instructions for applications might differ slightly between single-node cluster on MacOS/Windows and the “real” multi-node cluster. However, there are always nuances, which motivates me to write this blog. For its versatility, docker-desktop is a great development environment. It can be blown away and reset in a heartbeat (with the button “Reset Kubernetes Cluster”). It is installed simply by enabling the option “Enable Kubernetes”. minikube, MicroK8s, kind, or k3s with the k3d wrapper), docker-desktop has a significant advantage: it comes with Docker installation, on MacOS, or on Windows. This will save you a lot of time you would otherwise spend looking for the right icon.While there are many tools to set up single-node Kubernetes cluster (e.g. You will only have the shortcuts to apps and docs you use often. Once you get rid of all the unwanted icons from your Dock, it will feel much more useful. Remember to regularly remove unused icons from the Dock. You can use either of these options to remove icons from the Dock and make it nice and tidy once more.

Click on the desired icon and drag it away from the Dock, anywhere on the desktop.Close the app or document you want to remove from the Dock.